What Is Cross Linking In SEO

Cross Linking in SEO is  a Link Building Approach that helps in Ranking high search engine Rankings for Competitive Search Terms, by Using Websites owned by a Single Company or a Person. Back-Links Carry High Weight-age in Search Engines Algorithm if Links are from Relevant sites , Ultimately chances of getting a better ranking Increases.

Why It Works ?

The most common Way for Cross linking in SEO is by Placing Links on  footers and sidebars links on Websites. If you have links to your Website with your keywords in Anchor Text, It Usually works well with the Popular search engines Like Google / Bing .

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figure showing cross linking of domains

Proper Way To Cross Link

Cross linking can get you the much coveted inbound links from a related site. But if you More than One Website , Just Make sure that you Get the maximum advantage.

Content :Content is King. You need high quality content to rank in Google. Ensure that each of your Domain has unique & original content. For some Reason if you want to Publish Duplicate Content, Mark the Page as No-Index. so that Google will not Consider it.

Themes :The content of the Website has to be Distinct, but not the theme! In WordPress, a theme defined as a collection of templates and style-sheets that illustrate website.

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User Experience : User Experience is the Key. That is your purpose here. Keep your Website Fast and Make use of Softwares Like Notifia to Enhance the Experience of the User. Keep your  Important Content Above the Fold. Collect the Feedback from your Customers and Make Necessary Changes. Screaming Frog is an Excellent Software to Find and Fix Technical SEO Issues

Anchor Text  : In Cross Linking You must Connect Websites with keyword rich anchor text and Alt Text of the Images. Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Search engines loves this and It also Enhances User Experience. People Make use of Anchor texts to Know where they are going next if they click on the Link.

Keep it Natural : Only place your links where they naturally fit into the website. This is Very Important, If Your Cross Linking doesn’t seem Natural to Search Engines, They may even penalize your Website .Just Keep your Websites separate in the eyes of the search engines.

The key Pointers:

IP Address : This is a basic and right on the table signal that creates affiliation. It is Best to get a Dedicated IP Address for Each of your Website.

Alliance : If you Create sites just to cross link them together, you may be penalized by the Search engines . Make sure you provide value to both, users and Search Engines. Avoid Linking with Single Keyword. It is always better to build Links with your Brand Name & Keyword or Solely your brand name.

No Spam : Just keep the number of links at a Min. Always focus on Providing value to your Users and Search Engines.

Conclusion :

Cross linking can be Extremely beneficial for your site, This will also lead to a better user experience, but also Helps Search engines. Content is always King. Keep Link Building at Min. and Focus more on your Users. Make use of Tools like CrazyEgg to know the users behavior on your Web Page.

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Ganesh Bommanaveni
a Digital Marketer, Investor & Trader ::: Captain at RankMe1 International INN & WealthBulls Capital INN